Friday, November 13, 2009


Several so-called Christians, friends and relatives have been taking things I've said online and are trying to use them against me. This includes sending things from my private Facebook account to people who were not of my "Friends List", thereby violating Facebook's Terms of Service. This has resulted in problems for me in the "real" world.
My first thought was to sue Facebook (Facebook has a policy for recovering any monetary damages they incur from such suits by suing the original violator).
If those people continue to violate my privacy in such a manner, then that's the action I will be forced to take.

But since these gossipers and spies are so interested in my life, I've decided to create this public blog just for them. What I say to my friends on Facebook or through e-mails is MY business, but I will give you plenty of things on this blog for you to put in your hats and smoke.

Or for you to sit on and spin.